Frosty Windows; Monochrome Madness

Frost on the window; copyright jmeyersforeman 2015
Frost on the window; copyright jmeyersforeman 2015 

Frost on the car window! Without the garage I am having to go out and warm the car up and clean the windows, if we leave first thing in the morning! my reward is the beautiful lace patterns. But I have to be quick it doesn’t take long for them to disappear once the heat is turned on.

For more black and white images head on over to Leanne Cole’s Monochrome Madness.

5 thoughts on “Frosty Windows; Monochrome Madness

  1. I definitely see what Pluan is describing and I love it. I’m also crazy about your photo. My one question is whether or not you are warming up the car for your husband or for the kids. You are allowed to spoil the children but NOT the husband!

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